Showdance Teams in Nijmegen 2022? Euer Feedback ist gefragt!

Die Austragung von Showdance Teams-Wettbewerben bei den EuroGames 2022 in Nijmegen (NL) ist Ende Februar noch nicht „in trockenen Tüchern“. Kees Notenboom, einer der Repräsentanten des Ausrichter-Teams „Ballroom dancing Nijmegen 2022“ bittet alle Formationen/Showdance Team-Captains um Feedback bis zum 04.03.2022, um diesbezüglich eine gute Entscheidung treffen zu können. Hier ist sein Aufruf, der gestern (25.02.2022) veröffentlicht wurde:

Dear Equality Dancers,

EuroGames Nijmegen had to decide on the dance competitions over a year ago, keeping in mind information we got from ESSDA on past competitions, and uncertainties of corona-situation (incl. financial risks). At that time the dance competitions were limited to two days. For this reason, we decided to program the showdance for couples, but not for teams. Today, this decision still stands.

However, recently we noticed the discussion at the ESSDA facebook page about this decision. We recognize the fact that the showdance teams are longing for a competition. We were dancers ourselves and know what it means to compete and we would love to organize any kind of competition that is asked for. We cannot make any promises yet, however we are willing to explore the options of re-organizing our competition to include showdance teams as well.

We will need your input for this; we need to get an idea of how many teams would like to subscribe to the competition should we organize one. We want to propose the following:

If any showdance team is interested in attending the Nijmegen EuroGames competition, we would like to receive an email from those showdance teams (please only one e-mail per team). Please include the following in your e-mail:

- Team name and contact person, country/city

- How many dancers are in your team

- An estimate of how many dancers will compete in any of the other competitions that are already programmed.

We realize that we and you are running out of time, solving this issue. So, please try to react within a week from now at our email address: Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!.

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Deutscher Verband für
Equality-Tanzsport e.V.
Postfach 32 01 30
50795 Köln

Email:   Kontaktformular

Vertretungsberechtigter Vorstand:
Jörg Jüngling (Präsident)
Kerstin Kallmann (Vize-Präsidentin)
Angelina Brunone (Kassenwartin)

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